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1. She will always like to be with you.
2. She will always call to hear your voice when you are not together.
3. She will always be around you when you are sick.
4. She will care for you.
5. She will never support you to lavish your money.
6. She will always advice you on what is best for you.
7. She will never be happy to see you not looking smart.
8. When you are angry she will always find a way to make you happy.
9. She will never hesitate to introduce you to her friends.
10. She will not be ashamed of you.
11. When you are provoked by someone and you want to fight,she must do everything possible within her power to calm you down and prevent you from fighting.
12. She will be ready to cope with you in bad times.


1. He will always want to be with you.
2. He will always call to hear your voice when you are not together.
3. He will care about you.
4. He will trust and believe.
5. He will heed to your advice.
6. He will respect you.
7. If you ask him of something that he is in the position to do,he will never hesitate to do it for you.
8. He will always carry your interest in mind.
9. He will always advice you politely.
10. He will not hide his feelings from you.
11. He will always like you to accompany him to occasions or decent parties.
12. He must not hesitate to introduce you to his friends.
13. He will never be ashamed of you.
14. He must not make sex a priority in your relationship.



1. Love is patient and kind.
2. Love is not jealous or boastful.
3. Love is not arrogant or rude.
4. Love does not insist on its own way,ie,it is not selfish.
5. Love is not irritable or resentful.
6. Love does not rejoice at wrong,but rejoices in the right.
7. Love is caring.
8. Love bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things.
9. Love never ends.
To identify a love relationship,sex must never be a priority in the relationship.As human beings,you might fall into the temptation of having sex,but it shouldn't be the basis of the relationship.
If you realy want your man to respect you,starve him of your body,if he realy loves you,he will cope.
If you make yourself so common to your man,to be using you anytime he wants,just as a rag,one day,he might get fed up with you and that's what leads to HEARTBREAK.
If i should advice you,i will tell you to 'ZIP UP' to avoid HEARTBREAK.The one that LOVES you must cope and stay,but the one that INFATUATES you will go,making way for the one that LOVES you.


1. Call her by her favourite pet-name and give her a hug and a kiss before getting out of bed.
2. Smile when you look at her.Tell her how beautiful she is on her dress.
3. Call her during the day to say you miss her.
4. Play her favourite music and invite her to cuddle with you on the sofa while you listen.
5. Ask about her day and how things go.
6. Wash her back while she is in the tub or shower.
7. Dry her back while she is in the tub or shower.
8. Put a love note in her lunch or purse.
9. As a surprise,pick her up after work.
10. Tell her how much you enjoy talking with her.
11. Tell her,in front of your children,what a wonderful mother she is.
12. Slip your arm around her as you sit together in an occasion.
13. Ask her for a date to be enjoyed without the children.
14. Get up minutes earlier and ask her to join you for a chat while you sip a hot tea or drink.
15. Before you fall asleep at night,wrap your arm around her and whisper words of love.
16. Ask her opinion about a recent news report or sermon at church and appreciate her contributions.
17. Give her a hug for no reason at all.
18. Complement her in front of her friends and siblings.
19. Use endearing words with her often.Never be harsh on her.
20. When you are out socially,wink or blow a kiss at her.
21. Thank God for the eve of your life.



1. Discover his favourite pet name and call him by that.
2. Allow him exercise his authority as the head of the family.Like Sarah,call him,"my lord"
3. Do not challenge him when he is hurt.
4. Be silent when he is angry.You can go back to him in his sober moment with apology and explain why you behaved the way that annoyed him.
5. Be quick to say,"i am sorry dear,darling,daddy...(as the case may be)" when ever you offend him.Pettingly,insist on his forgiveness and kiss him when he does so.
6. Speak good of him before his friends and siblings.
7. Honour his mother even when she does not reciprocate.Do not ever report her to him.
8. Insist that he buys gifts for his parents and so be sure that he will do the same for your own parents.
9. Surprise him with his favourite dish especially when he has not enough money at hand.
10. Do not allow maids or servant to serve him food when you are at home.You may lose him to them.
11. Give him a warm reception with an embrace when he returns.collect his luggage and help to undress him.
12. Smile when you look at him and give him occasional pecks when you are out socially.
13. Praise him before your children.
14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or shower.
15. Put a love note in his lunch or purse.
16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.
17. Dial his number and on hearing,"hello!" just tell him,"i love you darling!"
18. If he is a public figure or a politician gently wake him at the early hours of the morning and romance him to the point of demand.He will not be enticed by any other woman that day.
19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him as your husband.If you make him a king he will make you a queen.
20. Give him a hug for no reason at all.
21. Thank God for the Adam of your life.


Love,according to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,is 1. a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something.
2. Sexual affection or passion.
3. Great enjoyment of something.e.t.c